LinkedIn Paid Advertising

LinkedIn paid advertising offers brands the opportunity to gain high-quality leads. The main benefit of LinkedIn paid Ads is that it gives business owners and marketers the ability to reach a specific goal.

LinkedIn Paid Advertising | Targeting graphic
LinkedIn Paid Advertising | Results content

Our Approach

If your company is B2B, LinkedIn is where you should be spending your budget.

LinkedIn is arguably the best advertising platform for B2B’s. Allowing you to reach and connect with audiences you’d like to do business with, quickly and at high volumes.

Although this can come at a price, the quality of leads generated makes it worth your while as you’re targeting the right professionals who are ready to do business.

How it Works

Creating an enticing LinkedIn ad is essential, especially when you’re attracting the right decision-makers. Here’s how we do it:


Review your current strategy and analyse your profile’s performance, before devising a new strategy of improvement.


Devise a targeted ad campaign that encourages responses and engagement to give you the best chance of success.


Create a range of LinkedIn paid Ad campaigns to advertise your business, showcase your services, and improve your brand’s image.

LinkedIn Ads Types

Each ad type has a different feel and design to help you achieve your different goals.

Single Image Ads | LinkedIn Ads | StraightIn
Single Image Ads

Simple image ads consists a LinkedIn ad copy and a singular image.

Message Ads | LinkedIn Ads | StraightIn
Message Ads

Message and Conversation ads allow businesses to send messages right into a decision maker’s inbox. 

Carousel Ads | LinkedIn Ads | Paid Ads | StraightIn
Carousel Ads

Carousel ads are a collection of at least 2 -10 image cards that follow once after another. 

Event Ads | LinkedIn Ads | Paid Advertising | LinkedIn
Event Ads

Event ads give businesses the opportunity to promote an upcoming event.

Text Ads | LinkedIn Advertising | LinkedIn
Text Ads

Text-based ads show up in the right column of your feed, or on top of the page.

Dynamic Ads | LinkedIn Ads | LinkedIn
Dynamic Ads

Personalized ads that combine users’ profile data to draw their attention.

LinkedIn Paid Advertising | Research graphic

Why Should You Choose StraightIn?

StraightIn is Europe’s leading non-automated LinkedIn lead generation agency. StraightIn will always maintain the ability and expertise to operate on LinkedIn, overcoming every challenge the other lead generation agencies cannot.

Every day we deliver results, overcome challenges, and find new ways to fill in the gaps. That is why we are offering this new service, as we know we can deliver non-stop results through our growing team of specialists.

Have a Question?

If you are looking for targeted digital advertisements to boost lead generation, increase sales, or otherwise help your business stand out from the crowd, StraightIn can help. Get in touch today to learn how we can devise bespoke LinkedIn Paid Ads guaranteed to delight your audience and boost your business.

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